Ryan Mossny, FACET Chair delivered his first report at FACET’s Annual General Meeting held on Monday 8 October at the State Library. Ryan thanked FACET’s long-standing partners Tourism WA and Parks & Wildlife, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, sponsors City of Perth and Heritage Council of WA and the other tourism industry stakeholders who have supported FACET events throughout the year.
He congratulated the 2017 FACET Golden Guide Award Winner, Janine Della Bosca from Fremantle Prison and acknowledge the unenviable job of the judging panel.
An organisation cannot succeed without an active board and Ryan acknowledged all those who have volunteered their time. He offered a special thank you those board members who would not be returning for next year and welcomed new board members Harriet Wyatt representing the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and Sue Stepatschuk from the Barking Gecko Theatre.
Having founded the organisation back in 1991 and worked tirelessly to support the sustainable development of WA’s natural, cultural and heritage assets, Pat Barblett, AM stepped down from the FACET Board. In doing so, Pat thanked all those who have supported FACET along the way and noted the organisation was in good hands.
Prior to the AGM, FACET members enjoyed a tour of Sidney Nolan’s Ned Kelly Series at the Art Gallery of Western Australia.